Kids' Programming
Having kids engaged in the shul experience is essential for the long term health of a synagogue, but it also helps them develop a lasting, positive impression. That is why we offer programming for all age ranges, from babies through teens.
Shabbat Morning
Babies – PreSchoolers: Tot Shabbat
Children ages 3+ may be dropped off for Tot Shabbat but need to be with a parent if they are younger than that. If a parent attends the group with a child, the parent should be actively engaged in helping the class rather than speaking to other adults.
9am – 10:15am Supervised play, with parents, in Band Room 1. Limited child care is provided. Check with attendant before leaving your children there.
10:15am – 11:00am Tot Shabbat, with parents in Band Room 1 and Torah Parade in Shul.
11:00am – apx 11:35am Free play accompanied by an adult in Kindergym or Playground.
Grades Pre K – K
10:15am – 11:00am Tefilot and Parsha Program in Band Room 2.
11:00am – apx 11:35am Free play in Big Gym (or outside, weather dependent).
Grades 1-4
10:15am – 11:00am Tefilot and Parsha Program in Auditorium Lobby (between Band Rooms).
11:00am – apx 11:35am Free play in Big Gym (or outside, weather dependent).
Apx 11:35am Lead T’filot at end of Musaf.
Grade 5+
9 am – 10:15am Daven in Shul Sanctuary or in Shul Office.
10:15 – 11am Parsha Discussion in Shul Office.
11am – apx 11:35am Free play in Big Gym (or outside, weather dependent).
At the close of Tefilah ALL children are encouraged to be in the sanctuary.
All children ages 9 and under who wish to attend groups must attend from the time they enter the group. Going in and out of groups disrupts the program.
Children 9 and under who do not wish to attend groups are to be overseen by their parents. If mature enough, the child can spend quiet time in the cafeteria (reading, playing quiet games, doing puzzles, etc.) but is ultimately to be supervised by their parents.
Children ages 10+ who are not in a group may be in the following allowed spaces without supervision: Lounge, cafeteria and sanctuary. Children age 10 and over may only be in the gym when there is supervision.
Kindergym and gym scooters, bikes, balls and other toys may not be taken out of their respective rooms.
Physical rough-housing, profanity, graffiti, vandalism and theft of any kind are NOT permissible and will be reported to the parents, Youth Director and the Rabbi.
Family Minyan
We host a family minyan in conjunction with the Berman Academy Preschool.
PJ Havadalah
Celebrate havdalah in your pajamas with a festive singalong service led by Rabbi Uri Topolosky, followed by stories, crafts and snacks.