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Braune-Friedman Bat Mitzvah

Eliana Braune Friedman Bat Mitzvah - July 8-9 Eliana will be leading a Women's Kabbalat in the main sanctuary on Friday night following our regular 7PM Mincha. A concurrent minyan for Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv will be held in the courtyard. Eliana will also be delivering a Dvar Torah at the conclusion of Shabbat morning davening. The Braune Friedman family […]

July 10 Ring Upsherin

Ring Upsherin 4:30PM Meir's Upsherin and birthday party Followed by yummy treats in the courtyard

July 30 Women’s Mincha

Women's Mincha Women's Mincha for Shabbat afternoon on July 30. There will be a shiur first at 4:30pm, and then mincha at 5pm. Concurrent children's activities will take place in the gym.

8/6-7 Tisha B’Av Schedule

Tisha B'Av Schedule Because Erev Tisha B’Av is on Motzei Shabbat this year, some of the practices differ from other years. Please be sure to read these additional notes on the last page of our Summary of the Laws of the 3 Weeks. Saturday, August 6 5:00PM Erev Tisha B'Av Av Shiur by Jamie Conway "Dwelling […]

Gilah’s Bat Mitzvah

Gilah's Bat Mitzvah Friday August 26 6:30pm Pre-shabbat Oneg led by Rabbanit Chava Evans (Gilah’s mom) 7pm Mincha 7:20pm Women’s Kabbalat Shabbat led by Gilah, men daven separately Shabbat August 27 9am Morning davening, Derasha by Rabbi Josh Dredze Kiddush in Honor of Gilah’s Bat Mitzvah, following davening 6:40pm Shiur by Ahavya Deutsch: “Give and […]

Book Binding

Book Binding Restoring Siddurim in disrepair Ages 11+

Mystery Maccabee sign up by 12/7

Mystery Maccabee 5783 Mystery Maccabee is back! Please sign by THIS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 to be assigned to another participating household in a mystery Chanukah gift exchange. Sign up here!

Women’s Kabbalat Shabbat

Women's Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, December 9 @ 4:30PM Join us for an uplifting women's kabbalat shabbat led by Dahlia Topolosky, followed by a dvar by Alana Landsman. Kabbalat Shabbat will start immediately following mincha, and will take place in the board room. Concurrent kids programming scheduled.

Sheva Brachot & Potluck

Potluck with Sheva Brachot for Sarah Spilman & Jesse Lew, Mazal Tov! Potluck sign up here!

PJ Havdalah

CHANUKAH HAVDALAH IN PAJAMAS WITH PJ LIBRARY December 10, 2022 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Join PJ Library, Berman Hebrew Academy, Kehilat Pardes, and The Jewish Federation to celebrate how to bring more light into the world with Chanukah (the Festival of Lights) and Havdalah. After a warm, spirited Havdalah ceremony to end Shabbat, we’ll create our own lanterns for a lantern […]