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Congregation Meeting

Congregation Meeting - Sunday, December 18 8:50AM light breakfast, 9AM vote on budget followed by community security training (see info below). Please note that the meeting will include not only a vote on the 2023 budget but also the below proposed Constitutional amendment. A 2/3 majority is required to pass this amendment so please try to attend. Amendment: Below, […]

Women’s Open Mic Feb. 4, 2023!

Women's Open Mic Saturday night February 4, 2023! Kehilat Pardes, The Rock Creek Synagogue 13300 Arctic Ave, Rockville, MD 20853 Seating & Refreshments begin at 7:45pm and the show starts at 8pm! Share your talents and/or just come watch the show! Both performers and non-performers should register here. *recommended age for performers and audience members […]

Aura Chadasha

משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה Let's welcome in the joyful month of Adar on Tuesday, February 21 at 8pm at the shul as Jenna Wloszczowski leads us through exploring the role of laughter in the torah. The talented Sarah Herman will then lead us in improv games building connection, creativity, and lots of laughter! Sarah Herman is happiest hosting […]

Prison to Pardes

Prison to Pardes 2023.2.26 DBM Special Guest:  David ben Moshe David Ben Moshe is an Israel-based writer, inspirational speaker, and expert fitness coach whose life is a testament to the power of positive change. While serving a prison sentence for selling drugs and guns as a young adult in Baltimore, he decided to build a […]

Erev Purim Schedule

Erev Purim - Monday, March 6 *We will be collecting Machatzit HaShekel & Matanot La’evyonim donations at shul. 5:15AM Taanit Esther fast begins. 5:00PM Purim Parade in costume from Levin home to shul 5:40PM Mincha/Family Shpiel/Maariv 6:30PM Megillah Reading

Purim Day Schedule

Purim Day - Tuesday, March 7 7:00AM Shacharit with Megillah reading We have two special opportunities to celebrate with residents of area Senior Homes on Purim Day. Please RSVP and join us in costume for these family friendly activities! Gardens of Traville - We will be meeting @ 10:30AM in the shul parking lot to go […]


Chag Pesach Sameach! Click here to view last year's Beltway Vaad Cleaning and Kashering Guide for Pesach. Click here for the Sale of Chametz Form YCT Seder Sense: An Evening of Pesach Prep for your Mind and Soul March 26 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm click here. Pre-Pesach Shabbat Lunch Potluck April 1 - Sign up here. […]

BAM Busters!

Dave and Busters with #BAM! Register online here! Meet in front of the movie theater inside the mall at 10:45 am and then go upstairs once we eat. We are providing kids with either krispy kreme or bagels and bottled water. There is no charge but we are asking that you please sign up with the […]

Lag B’Omer Smores

Save the Date for a Lag B'Omer celebration on May 9th at 6:30 pm at the Dredze home!