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Topolosky Bat Mitzvah

Friday, June 16 @ 7:15PM Kabbalat Shabbat led by Liat Topolosky - All girls & women encouraged to come! Saturday, June 17 @ 5PM Women’s Mincha led by Liat Topolosky Mazal Tov!

Learning & Yahrzeit Minyan TONIGHT

Our community is marking two yahrtzeits - for Ken Falk's mother, Ann Falk z"l, and for Miki Moskowitz and Becky Cohen's grandfather, Jerry Rosenberg z"l. To honor their memory, the Moskowitz family will host a special shiur that I have prepared at 7:30PM entitled, "It takes more than Emunah to be a Good Jew: Kiddush […]

Hafrashat Challah – Women’s Program

You’re invited to: Hafrashat Challah for the Mitzvah of Hachnasat Kallah. Daven for your Zivug or for your loved one. Suggested donation $18. All donations will go to a charity that helps people in need cover wedding expenses. Click here to sign up. Dvar Torah by Dahlia Topolosky. Belly dancing experience. Appetizers will be served. […]

Tzom Tamuz Event TONIGHT

Minyan TONIGHT to mark the end of 17 Tammuz Fast Day. Mincha will be at 8pm followed by a special presentation about the Klausenberger Rebbe and Laniado Hospital, and then Maariv. Fast ends at 9:17PM tonight. Click here for guidelines to the 3 Weeks.

Tisha B’Av

Wednesday, July 26 - Erev Tisha B'Av 8:25PM Fast begins 8:45PM Maariv, Eichah and Kinnot Thursday, July 27 - Tisha B'Av 7:30AM Shacharit (no Tallit/Tefillin are worn) & Kinnot 10:00-11:00AM Reading & Study of Eichah and Children's Program *Children’s programming split into BAM age and younger kids 1:14PM Chatzot - Halakhic Mid-day 4:30PM Beltway Vaad […]

Leil Selichot

Selichot Under the Stars Saturday, Sept 9 Kumzitz in the Shul Courtyard @ 9PM followed by Selichot @ 10PM.

5784 Holidays

Preparing for High Holidays 5784 Click here for all of our High Holiday programs. Art in the SukkahJoin artist Talya Weinberg who will lead us in painting glass wine bottles that could be used as a vase! Program sponsored by Vicki Pollack, in loving memory of her mom, Arline Renee Baum, A"H Tuesday, Oct. 3, […]


Community Tashlich RH Day 2 - Sunday, Sept 17 @ 5PM Tashlich will be held in Rock Creek Park (Oriental Ave entrance). An additional set of Shofar blasts will be blown for those that missed the morning set.