4/30 Lag B’Omer @ 4:30PM
Lag B'Omer Adrienne ‘Auntie A’ Suson A kid oriented, Pre-Shabbat Musical Jam led by Adrianne Suson, with free ice cream of course! Located in the Berman Hebrew Academy Track & Field Area. Co-sponsored with Tikvat Israel Thank you to our Chai Members for sponsoring this event: Colin & Hilde Alter Ari Baronofsky & Aliza Libman Elan […]
May Chessed Opportunities
May Chessed Opportunities Make Something Fisher House - The dinner we provided during Good Deeds Week was so appreciated that we'd like to do it again! KP-RCS will be providing dinner on Wednesday, May 26 for 10-12 people at a local Fisher House, which provides comfort homes where military and veterans families can stay free of charge while […]
5/1 Shabbat Guest Speaker @ Shacharit Services
Special Guest Speaker on Shabbat, May 1: Judi Felber Judi is a creative writer, editor, educator, and development expert who made Aliyah from Silver Spring with her family in 2006 at the start of the Second Lebanon War. Her son Netanel was gravely injured serving in the IDF a couple of years ago, and we have […]
5/5 Yahrtzeit Minyan @ 7:50PM
Yahrtzeit Minyan In memory of Marlene Kahal, mother of Erin Ring May 5 @ 7:50PM
5/8 Conversation – Returning to “Normal” @ 4PM
Conversation - Returning to "Normal" Saturday, May 8 @ 4:00PM Mental Health Awareness Shabbat, May 8 at 4pm (we will be meeting outside, in front of Berman, where we meet for shul). The return to “normal” on the horizon brings up a mix of excitement, anxiety, and other emotions. Join Dr’s Dahlia Topolosky, Tammy Levin, […]
Shavuot Sunday, May 16 through Tuesday, May 18.
5/23 Anti-Racist Book Club @ 8:30PM
Anti-Racist Book Club @ 8:30PM We will be discussing section 3 of Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram X. Kendi. Please email dringdan@gmail.com if you want to join and haven't been before! Also, check out our Lending Library next time you're at Shul!
NEW Yesod Mora Reading Group Beginning May 24
Yesod Mora Reading Group Beginning May 24 All are welcome to join our newest weekly reading group on Ibn Ezra's philosophical work, Yesod Mora after Shavuot. No philosophy background required! We will be using a new English translation; see here: tinyurl.com/yesodmora. If you're interested in participating, please be in touch with Jamie Conway. The first class will be […]