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Tween/Teen Arcade Hangout

Tween/Teen July 4 Arcade Hangout! Calling all Tweens and Teens! (ages 10+) You are invited for a special Kehilat Pardes July 4 Celebration! Sunday, July 4 from 7-9PM at shul There will be arcade games, board games, ice cream, pizza and a movie! Plus, the Rabbi (and maybe the Rebbetzin??) will be there, putting up high […]

Tisha B’Av Programming

Tisha B’av 5781 Sat, Jul 17 – Sun, Jul 18 7/17 6:00 PM Mincha Fast Begins 8:32 PM - Please note that the Fast begins even before Shabbat ends! Also, there is no traditional Seudah Mafseket eaten on Saturday evening due to Shabbat's joy! Leather shoes should be removed after end of Shabbat (9:19 PM) […]

8/8 Aura Chadasha @ 8PM

Aura Chadasha Rosh Chodesh Elul Sunday, August 8 @ 8PM Aura Chadasha, KP’s Monthly Women’s Rosh Chodesh Group is Back for Elul..LIVE! Hosted in the backyard of our beloved Dahlia Topolosky, who will lead a soulful kumsitz singing, and Erica Pelman will lead a workshop “Ani Ldodi Vdodi Li: Using our Divine Love Languages to […]

Elul Learning 8/16

Elul Learning Series: "Shabbat Ha'aretz" Mondays, August 16 & 23 at 8:30PM online In 1909, Rav Kook published a book called Shabbat Ha'aretz outlining his innovative halakhic positions on Shemittah. A recent translation was published of the introduction to his book, which focuses on the spiritual underpinnings of Shemittah. In a three-part series beginning Rosh Chodesh […]

Tashlich 9/7

Tashlich Tues., Sept. 7 @ 5PM Our Community Tashlich will be held in Rock Creek Park (Oriental Ave entrance) on the first day of Rosh Hashanah.

Women’s RH Mincha 9/8

Women’s RH Mincha Wed., Sept. 8 @ 4PM Women’s Mincha led by Dr. Dahlia Topolosky, followed by special guest speaker, Dr. Laura Shaw Frank

Decorate the Sukkah 9/19

Decorate the Sukkah Sunday, Sept. 19 @ 9AM Kids decorating activities and Adults needed too to hang lights and Schach!