kids programming
Shavuot 5778
2018.5.20.Shavuot Flyer 5778We welcome guest scholar, Dr. Sara Ronis, who will headline a power-packed weekend of great Torah and delicious nosh!
Grand Slam Sunday 2018
Nationals ParkWashington Nationals vs. Miami Marlins Pregame fun begins at 11:30am with first pitch at 1:35pm. Purchase your tickets with our Shul group HERE.
Soccer in the Sadeh
Parent-Child Soccer game in the Topolosky field (4909 Baltic). All are welcome!
PJ Havdalah
Get ready for Chanukah in your PJs with a festive singalong Havdalah with Rabbi Uri, followed by stories, de-light-ful activities, crafts, and snacks. Please bring a NEW pair of warm socks or gloves (child or adult size) to be donated to the homeless. RSVP here:
Yom Yerushalyim Tefillah and Breakfast
Join us for a festive tefillah in honor of Yom Yerushalyim, followed by a gala brunch sponsored by Israel Bonds. Special Israel-related activities will be organized for children. There will also be a membership vote held over breakfast. Click here for the flyer: the program, at 10AM, we will be replanting the Memorial Flower Garden.
Sign up for High Holiday Childcare
Sign up here for High Holiday Childcare. On RH & YK mornings, we will continue to have supervised Free Play from 9AM-10:15AM. Youth Groups will begin at 10:15AM (followed by Shofar blowing in the Shul on RH). Hired Child Care will be available from 11AM-1PM on RH & YK mornings and also for Kol Nidrei […]
High Holiday Schedule and Programming
Please click here to view our High Holiday Mailer for 5780, including the davening schedule, programming updates, and a letter from our president. Chag Sameach!
PJ Havdalah
Join us for songs and stories in your pajamas for a festive, musical Havdalah led by Rabbi Uri. This program is co-sponsored with PJ Library and the Berman Preschool.
Being Prepared Event
Join us immediately after Shabbat for a wine and cheese reception and panel discussion (and table breakouts) about issues related to advanced directives, organ donation, burial plots, halakhic wills, guardianship, and other topics we tend to push off talking about. Concurrent children's programming will be organized.
Virtual Tour of Yerushalyim
In honor of Yom Yerushalyim, we will be virtually guided by Israeli tour guide, Rabbi Aryeh Leifert, to explore the impact of the Six Day War and the unification of Yerushalyim.