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High Holiday Schedule and Programming

Please click here to view our High Holiday Mailer for 5780, including the davening schedule, programming updates, and a letter from our president. Chag Sameach!

Hoshanah Rabbah Melave Malka

Rav Uri and Dahlia invite the entire community for a musical, candlelit evening of song and Torah on Motzei Shabbat, Oct 19 at 8:30pm, for a Tikkun Leil Hoshanah Rabbah kumzitz in their Sukkah, 4909 Baltic Ave. Bring along your instruments, your voice, and your holy presence.

Haberman Institute Public Lecture: Jewish Immigration in the 1930s

 Strangers in Strange Places: Jewish Refugees from Central Europe in the Late 1930's December 11 at 7:30 PM Presented by the Haberman Institute for Jewish Studies with Marsha L. Rozenblit Harvey M. Meyerhoff Professor Jewish History, University of Maryland REGISTER HERE. Noted historian Dr. Marsha Rozenblit will share her insights into the plight of Jews […]

Community Meeting and Breakfast

Join us for annual community meeting to approve the shul budget and learn more about the upcoming renovation campaign. A delicious bagel breakfast will be served, including jelly/custard donuts in honor of Chanukah!

Hadran Women’s Siyum HaShas

Kehilat Pardes 13300 ARCTIC AVENUE, ROCKVILLE, MD, United States

Join us for a Women's Yom Iyun, celebrating the Siyum HaShas. Click here to register. Click here for flyer.

Being Prepared Event

Join us immediately after Shabbat for a wine and cheese reception and panel discussion (and table breakouts) about issues related to advanced directives, organ donation, burial plots, halakhic wills, guardianship, and other topics we tend to push off talking about. Concurrent children's programming will be organized.

Women’s Open Mic Night

Registration is now open for Women's Open Mic on Saturday night, February 1!Click here for the flyer.Share your talents and/or just come watch the show!Both performers and non-performers should register.*recommended age for performers and audience members is 14 and up Performers sign up for a 4 minute slot. You can sing, dance, play an instrument (there will be a piano), perform comedy, read a poem, […]

Changing Realities: COVID-19 and The Jewish Community of Greater Washington

The Coronavirus pandemic is affecting every person in our community, and every organization in Jewish Greater Washington and beyond. Please join the Beltway Vaad and Jewish Federation of Greater Washington CEO, Gil Preuss, for a conversation about our community’s needs and the actions Federation is taking to protect vulnerable individuals and vital institutions. Wednesday, May 20, 12:00-12:45 pm Click […]

Virtual Tour of Yerushalyim

In honor of Yom Yerushalyim, we will be virtually guided by Israeli tour guide, Rabbi Aryeh Leifert, to explore the impact of the Six Day War and the unification of Yerushalyim.

Pre-Shavuot Tikkun Leil

Join us virtually for a 3 hour webinar consisting of 16 ten-minute presentations from DC area rabbis across the denominationial spectrum. Sponsored by Jewish Federation, the Beltway Vaad, Hadar, the Washington Board of Rabbis, and JCRC. Register here.