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8/6-7 Tisha B’Av Schedule

August 6, 2022 - August 7, 2022

Tisha B’Av Schedule

Because Erev Tisha B’Av is on Motzei Shabbat this year, some of the practices differ from other years. Please be sure to read these additional notes on the last page of our Summary of the Laws of the 3 Weeks.

Saturday, August 6
5:00PM Erev Tisha B’Av Av Shiur by Jamie Conway “Dwelling in Vengeance”
5:45PM Shabbat Mincha
8:14PM Fast Begins
8:59PM Shabbat Ends
9:15PM Maariv/Eichah/Kinnot (in-person and on zoom ID:82651997761)

Sunday, August 7
9:00AM Shacharit
9:45AM Explanatory Kinnot
10:30AM Activities
a) book binding broken siddurim (ages 11+ including adults)
b) Kamtza & Bar Kamtza Storytime, Discussion, and Activity with Rabbi Uri (ages 7+)

1:00PM Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Videos – film screening at the Pelman home
1:14PM Chatzot – Halakhic Mid-day
2:00PM Beltway Vaad Zoom Program: “Grappling with Fragility”
5:30PM Film at Shul: Never Stop Dreaming: Legacy of Shimon Peres
7:45PM Mincha with Tallit & Tefillin
8:30PM Maariv
8:49PM Fast Ends

Check out additional online programming for Tisha B’Av, such as:

The Orthodox Union’s Tisha B’Av Kinnot

Torah in Motion TIsha B’Av Learning

Tisha B’Av with Hadar



August 6, 2022
August 7, 2022